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The purpose of the USTA is to have fun, while building friendships, old and new, through organized competition that supports all USTA clubs and gives back to the shooting community by providing a healthy environment that fosters the growth of trapshooting in Utah
Purgatory Clay Sports
Spanish Fork Gun Club
It's never too early to start soliciting ads for the 2025 Utah State Shoot program. If you want to place an ad, or know of a company that would like advertise, please fill out the application using the link below. Ads must be received before April 30 to appear in the printed program. Ads will be accepted up until the start of the state shoot; but after April 30, they will only appear digitally on the USTA website. Keep in mind, if you collect $1,000 total in advertising, you will be eligible for free targets at the state shoot. Click here for more details and application.
CONGRATULATIONS to Griffen Mecham - USTA's 2024 Rookie of the Year