"ATA Delegate Newsletter"

Utah ATA Delegate
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Utah ATA Delegate
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​February 2025

As far as trap shooting is concerned, there isn't much to say about it here in Utah this time of year. The last two weeks of January have been bitter cold, and I suspect February will be about the same. The one nice thing about the month is that it is one month closer to shooting season here in the Beehive State (useless trivia). The next shoot in Utah will be at Purgatory Clay Sports in March. Spanish Fork then follows the next week. April has a few more shoots, and then the floodgates open in May.

The next shoot for those willing to travel is the Spring Grand in Tucson, AZ. Tucson Trap and Skeet Club always put on an excellent shoot; the weather is another story. Hopefully, it will be pleasant. Even if the weather is unseasonably cold for Arizona, I can assure you it will be warmer than here in Utah. I always look forward to this shoot for no reason but to get together with my usual squad mates. We get to visit, play cards, and reminisce about days gone by when we used to be better shots and the dream that we will be again one day. 

February is also the time of year the State Association is working on the State Shoot program. The shoot will be in Vernal, which is always a good time. Be sure to mark your calendars. 

Now would be a good time to pull your trap gun out of the closet/safe and tune it up so you don't have any unwelcome surprises this season. Also, start reloading or shopping around for good deals on ammo. Mark your calendar for the shoots you want to attend and prepare to have fun.

My following report will be to talk about the Utah shooters who traveled to Tucson and how they fared.